Clever things…

Fri, 6th February '15

This week saw the launch of the brand new website for Energy Clothing powered by something quite clever...

The team at Energy Clothing absolutely LOVE Instagram ( …and they are well worth a follow! @energyclothingstamford). Taking this into consideration, we have completely redesigned their website to take full advantage of this.

They take a snapshot of anything they fancy (!) – new products, shop scenes, sale items, themselves, whatever really – and then assign hashtags to the image …this is when our wizardry happens!

Energy's vibrant and busy store has been at the heart of Stamford town centre for years. Over this time, they've built up a reputation as the area's leading retail shop for some of the world's leading clothing brands for both men and women.


The images all load onto the homepage of the Energy Clothing website in realtime. Then the hashtags Energy Clothing have assigned to the image determine where the customer will go next… #menswear on the image? You go to the menswear page, # and a stock number on the image? You go directly to the product for sale.

Clever, huh?!

It’s been great fun designing and developing this one, go take a look! AND they also sell The Selfie Stick – so you can get in on the action too – Oh, and it all works on your smartphone, tablet, desktop, etc etc of course! ;0)